Quick Spinach Canopies

Saturday, March 6, 2021

I had harvested a fresh batch of Organic Baby Spinach from my garden and was thinking of how to use them differently. Came up with the idea to keep it simple. This one is a quick fix finger food, the perfect starter for any parties or gatherings. And even better, it has only 5 ingredients. I am not adding the quantities, as it depends totally on your liking.

Difficulty level: Super easy

Preparation time: 10 min
Cooking time: 0 min

Organic baby spinach
Goat cheese- plain or spiced
Dried cranberries/raisins
Balsamic vinegar
Olive Oil

Arrange the baby spinach leaves on a serving plate. Scoop about 1 tsp roughly (make adjustments depending on the size of the leaf) of the goat cheese & add a few dried cranberries before drizzling some Olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top. It is a good mix of flavours & textures from all the ingredients in there. You don't even need to add salt as the goat cheese will have enough. Enjoy the freshness & crunch of the spinach with the burst of flavors from the other goodies.

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