Instant Ripe Mango Pickle

Monday, June 13, 2011

My grandmother used to make this dish all the time, when mangoes were in season. As a child, I would start eating this as soon as she prepared them, and my poor grandfather would be left with only a little bit by the time he sat down for lunch. However hard I try, I just cannot get the taste just right. It never comes close to my grandmother's preparation. That's the case when grandmothers and mothers cook for you,right?

You may be need to adjust the amount of spices depending on the size and sweetness of the mango.

Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: 5 min
Makes: 1-2 servings


Ripe mango: 1
Turmeric powder: a pinch
Chilli powder: 3/4 tsp
Coconut oil: 1 tsp
Salt to taste

Cut the mango to 1/4" pieces. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well, using your fingers ( preferrably). The mango pieces may start to fall apart, and that is exactly what you want. But don't press or squish the mangoes. Dig in.

Goes well with rice. You can also have it as such, on its own, like me!!!


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