Malai Peda

Monday, May 30, 2011

This is from my aunt's recipe collection. I had always wanted to make this, but never got down to it. So when we were invited to a cook-out party our neighbors were hosting, I decided to make this to take along.

Difficulty level: Medium
Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 40- 45 min
Makes: 26 pedas


Milk: 1 1/2 cups
Cornflour/ cornstarch: 1 tbsp
Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
Powdered cardamom (elaichi): 1 tsp
Ghee: 1 tbsp
Condensed milk: 400 gms

Heat ghee, condensed milk, milk and lime juice until it comes to a boil. Mix the cornstarch well without lumps, with 2 tbsp water. Add this to the boiling mixture and stir well. Continue cooking on medium heat, till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan stirring continuously. Allow to cool slightly. Shape into pedas and serve decorated with a dash of the powdered cardamom.


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