Animal pooris

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pooris are something that most households in India are familiar with. I just wanted to make it a bit more fancy and kid-friendly.

Whole-wheat flour( Atta)- 1 cup
Salt- to taste
Water- to make the dough
Oil- for deep-frying
Animal- shaped cutters

Make the dough like you would, for chapathi. Cover with a damp cloth and keep aside for a while (the longer it sits, the softer it gets). Roll out pooris thick. You can either roll out small rounds and then cut each animal out or roll out a big ball of the dough and cut out a few animals at a time. Deep fry the pooris and drain to a platter lined with paper-towel (so as to take out any excess oil).

Kids like to eat it as such or with sugar. For adults, masala curry is the best accompaniment, which is as follows.

Masala curry

This is slightly different from the traditional masala curry. For that, you can just omit the chilli powder and vegetable masala powder and there you have it!

Baby potatoes- 6 (cut into small pieces)
Onion- 1 small (thinly sliced)
Ginger- 1 inch piece (cut small)
Vegetable masala powder- 3/4 tbsp
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder- 1/4 tsp
Green chillies- 1 or 2(optional)
Salt-to taste
Oil- 1 tsp
Water- 1-11/2 cup
Curry leaves-1 sprig
Cilantro- a few leaves

Heat oil and saute the onions and ginger. Once the onions become translucent, add the curry leaves and green chillies. Add the potatoes and saute for a minute or two. Add the masala powders and salt. Now add the water. Cover and cook until the potatoes are done (about 15 minutes). Remove the lid and allow water to evaporate until the required consistency is reached. Stir in cilantro and serve hot.

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