Kaju Katli

Monday, August 29, 2011

Kaju Katli is a favourite of my children (and my husband!). I have been meaning to make this at home instead of buying it from a store for some time now. I saw this recipe at www.showmethecurry.com and thought it would be worth a try.

Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time; 15min + 1 hr for setting
Makes: about 35 pieces


Powdered cashews: 1 1/2 cups
Powdered sugar: 1 cup
Instant non-fat dry milk/ milk powder: 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder: 1/8 tsp
Hot water: 2 tbsp
Rose essence: 2 drops (optional)

Use a double-boiler (to bring a bowl of water to boil. To the bowl on the top, add the dry milk and powdered sugar. Keep stirring continuously (so as not burn it) until the mixture is warmed all the way through, about 2-3 min. To another mixing bowl, add the cashew powder. When the above mixture is done, add it to the cashew powder. Add the cardamom powder and mix well. If using rose essence, add it to the hot water. Start kneading adding a little water at a time, until it forms a dough and the cashew starts to let some of the oil go. Grease the hands and rolling pin for easier rolling. Roll out the dough to desired thickness onto a wax paper to avoid sticking. Cut into desired shapes. Allow to set at room temperature for 1-2hrs or 30 min in the refrigerator. Store in the refrigerator and serve at room temperature.


Colleen said...

I had a piece and it was very good!! And delivered to me on my mower by a very cute little boy!! Thank you!

Priya Menon said...


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