Chicken Coconut Fry

Friday, October 16, 2020

Coconut is used in every possible way in our neck of the woods. Here I have used it in its raw , grated form. I am always in the lookout for a new way to prepare chicken , which happens to be the most popular meat in my house any way. 

Difficulty level: Medium

Preparation time: 10 min plus 2 hrs for marination

Cooking time: 30 min


Chicken- whole, curry cut (roughly 10 pieces)

Lime juice- 1 tbsp

Coriander powder- 3 tbsp

Chilli powder(spicy)- 1 1/2 tbsp

Kashmiri chilli powder- 1 1/2 tbsp

Salt- to taste

Ginger paste- 2 tsp

Garlic paste- 1 tsp

Grated coconut- 1 cup

Crushed red chilly flakes- 1 tsp

Garlic- 4 cloves whole with skin, slightly crushed

Curry leaves- 5 sprigs

Extra virgin coconut oil- 3 tbsp

First, marinate the chicken and keep aside for 2 hrs. Mix together both the chilli powders, coriander, lime juice, ginger paste, garlic paste and salt well and apply uniformly on all the chicken pieces. 

In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp of  extra virgin coconut oil and add the grated coconut , crushed red chilly flakes, whole garlic cloves, curry leaves and a pinch of salt. Fry them on low flame so as to ensure the coconut  does not get burnt. Don't rush it by increasing the flame, it is very well worth the wait.  Once the coconut turns light brown , remove and keep aside. To the same oil, add the remaining oil and add the chicken pieces . Turn the chicken pieces making sure they are thoroughly cooked. Once they are, add the roasted coconut mixture and mix well for all the flavours to marry together. Roast on a very low flame for 3-4 minutes. Serve warm with rice or chapathi or roti .


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