Maanga uppilittathu(മാങ്ങ ഉപ്പിലിട്ടത്‌ )/ Mango pickle

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Most people go with store bought pickles, but it is amazing how much better fresh made pickles taste.

Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 5 min
Makes: 2 cups


Raw mango: 1, cut into small pieces (about 2 cups)
Chilli powder: 2 1/2 tsp
Asafoetida powder: a pinch
Roasted fenugrek, powdered: a pinch
Oil: 1 tsp
Salt: to taste

In a skillet, heat the oil. When hot, switch off the flame and add the chilli powder and saute until the raw taste is gone (about 1-2 min). Add the asafoetida powder and fenugreek powder and saute for about 1 more minute. Add the mango pieces and salt. Mix well so as to coat all the spices on the mango pieces uniformly. Keep aside.

Allow to cool completely before storing in bottles. Keep refrigerated and serve at room temprature.


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