Kid-friendly Tiramisu

Monday, October 17, 2011

I really wanted to do something special for my 100th post. (I really can't believe I got here but more of that later.) A dessert to celebrate was on top of my mind and that too something special and gourmet. This sentiment was confirmed as I reached out to my friends and well wishers for their suggestions.

Tiramisu would be one of the most popular Italian desserts. Unfortunately, it is not really something you want to give young kids, given the ingredients include Espresso (coffee) and rum, unless off course you want them bouncing off the walls. I decided to make some changes to the recipe from Chef Giada de Laurentiis of the Food Network, so as to make it kid-friendly. I am replacing the Espresso with Caramel to match both the color as well as the bitterness they provide. The Rum, I skipped altogether. 

Do note Tiramisu has raw eggs and you want to be careful especially if you pregnant or are otherwise susceptible to infection

Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: 30 min + 2 hrs. for setting
Cooking time: Nil
Makes: 4-6 servings

Egg yolks: 3
Sugar: 2 tbsp + 3/4 cups
Mascarpone cheese: 8 oz. (225 gms.), at room temperature
Ladyfingers/ savoiardi: 18
Water: 1 1/2 cups
Baking cocoa powder, chocolate shavings: for garnish

In a saucepan, heat 3/4 cups sugar with 1/4 cups water (on a medium flame) until the sugar has caramelised (until it turns dark brown), stirring continuously. Remove from fire and add this to  1 1/4 cups hot water immediately (You may want to stand back while doing that, or you will think you are in a Chemistry lab. Also note, if you add the water into the hot caramel, it will suddenly come to a boil). Allow to cool.

In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks and 2 tbsp sugar using a hand blender or a stand up mixer until thick and pale, about 5 min. Add the mascarpone cheese and beat until smooth. Add 1 tbsp from the above caramelised sugar mixture and mix well until well combined. 

In a shallow bowl, add the rest of the caramelised sugar mixture. Dip each ladyfinger in the mixture for only 5 sec. Letting the ladyfingers to soak for long will cause it to fall apart. Place the soaked ladyfingers in the bottom of a 8 in x 4 in loaf pan, breaking them in half if necessary to fit the bottom. 

Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over this. Arrange another layer of soaked ladyfingers and top with the remaining mascarpone mixture. 

Cover the Tiramisu with plastic wrap and refrigerate for atleast 2 hrs, upto 8 hrs. 

Before serving, sprinkle baking cocoa and/or chocolate shavings.

I suggest caution in consuming raw and lightly cooked eggs due to the slight risk of salmonella or other food-borne illness. To reduce this risk, we recommend you use only fresh, properly refrigerated, clean grade A or AA eggs with intact shells, and avoid contact between the yolks or whites and the shell.


Colleen said...

I am so glad you live next door and let us sample your wonderful dishes!! Thank you again.....hit the spot with a cup of tea last night!

Priya Menon said...

The pleasure is all mine! We're so lucky to have great neighbors as you & Lisa...

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