Immunity Booster Series- 2 Gooseberry Chutney

Friday, January 8, 2021

Indian gooseberry or Amla is another nutrient-packed food that can be eaten fresh, as nature delivers it to you.  It is a very seasonal fruit. Traditionally, we have the practice of preserving it in brine or in the form of pickles (with both salt and oil acting as preservatives).  

It is a superfood for the whole body from hair ( I really mean it, it is SO SO good for your hair) to toe. Whenever I can find it here, I buy it and preserve it in some water  with a generous amount of salt and a few spicy green chillies slit in half. It lasts forever and it can be had even as a snack, when you want something different. In the recipe, I have used the ones in brine, but you can always substitute for the fresh ones. 

Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: 10 min
Cooking time: 0 min


Gooseberry (or Amla) - 8 or 9, big ones pitted
Dry red chillies- 3 or 4, to your liking (I use a skewer to roast them on a flame for that smoky flavor)
Grated coconut- 1/8 cup
Curry leaves- 2 sprigs
Salt- to taste
Organic Virgin coconut oil- a few drops(optional)

In a mixer grinder, add the grated coconut, dry red chillies(roasted or not), salt and curry leaves. Grind until it's almost fully smooth. Add the pieces of amla and continue grinding until everything is uniformly smooth. Check salt at this stage and add more if needed. Drizzle a few drops of organic virgin coconut oil for added aroma and goodness. Enjoy right away or keep it fresh in the refrigerator for about 4-5 days.


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