Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding

Friday, May 27, 2011

I once invited a friend over for dinner. I knew her mother(who was visiting from India) was a strict vegetarian and so wanted to make something completely devoid of eggs or gelatine. I got this recipe from a magazine.

It is a time-consuming process(it took me almost a day to make the whole thing) as the layers have to be made one-by-one, waiting for a layer to set completely before you add the next one.

I had made this a while ago, but had forgotten to take a picture.  So I do not have a picture.

Difficulty level: Medium, but time consuming
Preparation time: about a day
Makes: 10 - 12 servings


Arrowroot biscuit: 150 gms, powdered
Butter: 2 tbsp, softened
Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread): 1 cup
Whipping cream/ fresh cream: 1 cup + 2 cups
Agar-agar (china grass): 10 gms(about 2 tbsp, crushed), soaked in 1 cup of water
Milk: 2 cups
Custard powder: 3 tbsp
Condensed milk: 400 gms
Vanilla extract: 1 tsp
Sugar: 6 tbsp
Chocolate shavings/ chips: to garnish(optional)

Layer 1: Mix the powdered arrowroot biscuit and the softened butter with the tips of your fingers, like you would to make a pie crust(it would look like bread crumbs, when done). Evenly lay this in a pudding dish 9x7x2.5 inches( 11 cups or 2.6 L) and press down firmly. Allow to set in the refrigerator until firm (about 4-5 hrs).

Layer 2: Beat 1 cup whipping cream with the Nutella spread until well blended. Pour this on top of the set layer 1 and allow to set again ( about 5-6 hrs).

Layer 3: Heat the china grass soaked in water over a low flame, until completely melted. Keep aside. Dissolve the custard powder (without lumps) in a couple of tablespoons of milk. Mix this with the milk and condensed milk. Heat this until it starts to thicken. Add the melted china grass, mix well and remove from fire. In a separate bowl, whip 2 cups of whipping cream, sugar and vanilla extract until stiff peaks form. Fold this into the custard mix prepared above until fully incorporated. Pour this final layer on top of the set layers and allow to set until done (about 10-12 hrs).

Garnish with chocolate swirls / shavings / chips after fully set.


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